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Updated: Sep 30, 2020

Why do you hate CRL pros, Gramps? Easy... They're stupid. Allow me to explain. Lets begin this story a few weeks ago when rumours began circulating that this was to be the last split of CRL. How did our pros react? They all posted their sad face emojis all over Twitter, and some other stuff. These guys are so stupid that they are crying over the possible end of CRL and yet they do literally sweet fuck all to preserve it. I could write a thesis for you on the history and growth of conventional sports compared to esports, so as to explain this in depth, and I know I could write it because I've done the research and did ACTUALLY write it for Lil' Gramps when he was overrun with school work. I think it was the only time he has ever got an A. Honestly, it should have been an A+. I have no idea what those stupid markers were thinking. Anyway, instead of writing it for you, I'll explain it as simply as I can. 1) The success of sports relies SOLELY on the fans. Without them, we do not have pro sports. 2) The primary driving force in the growth of fan support is tribalism. Generally, it is regional (IE., people support teams in their region) but can be developed in other ways. 3) Eventually the sport becomes an industry with many connected parts which ALL integrate together and keep the brand growing. These parts include things such as the players themselves, merchandising, communication and media etc etc For the record, I am mostly talking about the English scene in CRL, as other sections like the Spanish, German and Asian audiences, are doing far better. Why is there no connection between the English speaking pro players and the English speaking fans? I've already answered that. The pros do sweet fuck all to build their brand. I'll use myself as an example. I started writing reports on CRL West in this blog. There was a decent response initially, because SML from RoyaleAPI was kind enough to retweet my link, but without his support, my readership has dropped off. I don't think it has anything to do with the product because many people messaged me with favourable comments. I need help to be seen. Many pros read it. Many pros gave me a like. NOT ONE SINGLE PRO RETWEETED IT. So, here I am, free of charge (because I love the game and I love writing), doing something to promote these guy's livelihoods and trying to build the audience so it has a future, and yet they are too stupid to take 2 secs to promote me. MORONS Imagine if each time they did, there was a 1% response from their followers. Average Joe sees Rf tweet out my blog. He decides to check it out and it makes him laugh. We now have an engagement. Joe hasn't really watched CRL because he thought it would be boring, but now he has some stories he can relate to so he decides to tune in the next time. We've spiked an interest. Then, after watching, he wants to read what I wrote about it, and hopefully have a laugh. Then he tells a friend... I mean, we've all gone to a game, seen our team win, then read the newspaper report on the game or re-watched the highlights on TV. That is how the industry works. Esports are no different. Once the fans are engrossed, they want as much information and connection as possible. It's just like you, the pro player, wishing Drew and co would tell you more about what was going on. The single biggest tool we have to grow CRL is the pros themselves, yet they do the least. These guys should be supporting everything which supports CRL and also building a rapport with their fans. SSG won the last split. It would be nice to see them put together a short video or something to thank their fans. But nothing... Brad Pitt will make a film and then spend the next 3 months on every talk show answering the same questions simply to promote his new movie. CRL pros play their matches then go play 'Among Us' among themselves. They have little to no public face. The Germans (SK) and the Mexicans (Chivas) do it. I wonder why their audience is so much larger? Hmm, it's not rocket surgery. An average pro has only other pros on their friend list. OMG, you morons. Add some fans. These 13 and 14 year old kids idolise you, but you ignore them. You should be capitalising before they grow up, and like me, realise you are stupid. The orgs themselves have at least begun to lift their game. A few of them are putting out memes before and after their matches. This type of banter goes back to what I mentioned earlier about building tribalism which isn't regional. Last time I looked, about 139,000 watched the English coverage of last night's matches. This is mainly due to in game advertising. What are the "stars" doing to bring them back? Nothing - which is why those numbers will die. Then those same stars will post sad face emojis after they learn that the next CRL split is actually the last one. There's so much more to this than the few things I mentioned, but if you're a pro and you are reading this, and you do want CRL to continue, then take FULL responsibility for your brand. It goes beyond practise and play. Connect with your fans. Build a support base. Promote those like Rich and me (mostly me) who are trying to help CRL. There are SO SO SO SO SO SO many things you could do to make this a better product, and the better the product is, well, as the great Shoeless Joe Jackson said in 'Field of Dreams'... "If you build it, they will come" You need to start building it because they need to come for there to be $$$$ in your pocket. Do it so I can learn to love you again.

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